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Topic: Fireball World Championships

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Mar 7 2012 6:12PM

The Fireball World Championships have been announced for Taiwan, Oct 18-21st.

There is a team event also, so it might be interesting to see if we could put a team together for this. Long ways away now and no real info available but I'd be interested if a group wanted to go.

Author: Linda Reply #1 Posted: Mar 7 2012 8:43PM

Taiwan is a gorgeous country! There's lots to see in Taipei and travel to other parts of Taiwan is very easy with train.

Yes it's a long ways away from now...but darn, that could be a good trip =)

Author: FireballGuy Reply #2 Posted: Mar 8 2012 6:30PM

Yes, the 2012 Fireball WCS is on.

We are also planning a tournament in Shenzhen of China a week before on Oct 12-14 -- the Fireball China Open and International Junior Championships -- across the border from Hong Kong. For international players they can fly to HK (cheaper) and take a train or boat to Shenzhen and play the tournament and go back to HK to visit for a couple of days and fly to Taipei for the Fireball WCS (Oct 18-21)and make a tour on the island before going home.

10 days, 2 great tournaments, 3 countries/regions, and a lot of sight-seeing. You meet the best of Asia.

The WCS on Fireball will be the last tour stop before the ITSF season. Many top players want to be there to jump on the last chance to gain ITSF points towards ranking and player packages for the WC the next year. The first WCS in Asia will be a one filled with memories and sparkles. An ITSF official refferee clinic is also planned to sanction interested promoters and players to become official refs in future tournaments.

Mark your calender and come to this corner of the world where people are friendly, scences are different, and foods are mmmm.. yumee to the last bite.

Author: Will Reply #3 Posted: Mar 8 2012 6:40PM

"The first WCS in Asia will be a one filled with memories and SPARKLES"

"Many top players want to be there to jump on the last chance to gain ITSF POINTS"

Andy must be thrilled right now, his Sparklepoints are catching on worldwide!

Author: Will Reply #4 Posted: Mar 8 2012 6:42PM

Dennis - it would be cool if you had a team event at the China tournament too!

The fact that there is a team event at the WCS is a big draw for me.

Author: FireballGuy Reply #5 Posted: Mar 8 2012 6:52PM

Yes there will be a teams competition at this China event. Many countries will be there.

Author: Will Reply #6 Posted: Mar 8 2012 6:54PM

Cool. Lets go Canada, we can put a team together for this.

Author: ButHeDoesntLookAsian Reply #7 Posted: Mar 9 2012 2:25AM

Chris N. and I are interested in going. Do you have info on rules or guidelines on forming the team Dennis? I say the more Canucks the Merritt and have a mini competition there to see who plays.

I am guessing low prize money and distance will deter many from Canada but Taiwan is definitely one if the best places to ay Foosball in Asia and a great hub for jumping to other countries.

Andy, when are you due to return? Don't you have some unpaid bar tabs over here?

Author: hardboiled Reply #8 Posted: Mar 9 2012 12:00PM

Nothing unpaid......that I recall

I'm checking the calendar though, this looks like a kick.....

Author: hardboiled Reply #9 Posted: Mar 9 2012 4:47PM

and Will....sparklepoints are a positive, meaningful phrase I used in the past to denote goodwill.

They are unavailable for use, commercial or otherwise.

Instead, perhaps the use of 'shiny bits', 'dazzly tinsel', or 'glitter glare' would be more appropriate.

Simply put, points are meaningless, and will be commonly understood as such.

Author: Will Reply #10 Posted: Mar 10 2012 3:15PM

Look at the ITSF pro tour... or IFP... the NHL standings... NBA, PGA, and everything else. Guess what, they play for pionts.

In Edmonton we play for points, and trust me - playing for points means a lot more to me and pretty much the whole league here than playing for money.

Points represent status, and status is important to almost everyone.

Author: hardboiled Reply #11 Posted: Mar 10 2012 4:22PM

You are very focused on Edmonton Will, I'll agree with you there.

And the insular crowd this is built for won't grow the game, or establish legitimacy for Will's Boys and Girls Clubs.

C'mon down here to Cowpatch for a night. We'll give you some pointers.

You can call that your 'Tour'.

Author: Will Reply #12 Posted: Mar 10 2012 4:54PM

It's not "agreeing" with me by saying that..

The Tour is already established, and my efforts are working - so I'm not going to change it based your child like criticisms. Quit making up names for everything like "boys and girls clubs" and "sparkle points". I don't know where you got the idea that this is based on Fireball either, it is not table specific at all. I get the feeling you don't even know what you are complaining about now.

Author: ButHeDoesntLookAsian Reply #13 Posted: Apr 5 2012 6:52AM

Bump. Alberta issues aside. A trip to Asia requires more lead time for people in Canada. Suggest I become head cheerleader here. Focus should be on coming to Asia for the experience first and the Foosball second. I can recommend other Asian stops if I know your timing and budget.

They are still planning the team event part but I do not see it as being the most serious team event ever. The open events should be interesting though. Quite a good turnout for Asian Open last year so this should be bigger than that but still not as many top 100 players as there would be in a U.S. Or European Worlds event.

Anyway, I suggest anyone interested with a travel budget posts here. It will be TONS if fun.

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