Topic: Secret language

Author: greg Original Message Posted: Oct 21 2019 12:17PM

Regarding the secret language I started to help us build the secret space ship, what is the secret code word for “ secret language “? Is it ‘joke’? For some reason I think It’s joke. I guess with Richy dead I’d have to ask Simon or Tim. You guys have always done whatever those 3 told you. Why, I don’t know but this is Alberta so it would be just cruel to expect anyone to learn something new, or change in any way. But could any of you say without getting permission first. Is it joke?

Author: Born_Fooser Reply #1 Posted: Oct 21 2019 3:20PM

The above post suffices as my argument as to why Trudeau should have never made pot legal in this country.

Author: greg Reply #2 Posted: Oct 22 2019 12:51AM

To your credit you even answered the post, with out getting Simon or Tim’s permission. Course on the down side you failed to answer the question, “What’s the secret code word for ‘secret language’? A perfectly reasonable question. And let me just add that when I started the language, in Victoria, nobody would have ducked a question from me. They treat me with far more respect then I could ever get in Alberta, though really I should just start a web page and outline the ‘Dreaming of the future’ stuff too.

Ps, playing on the west coast beats the crap out of playing in Calgary, no fake rules, a points system, and you’re actually allowed to see the stats from an event. I’ll prolly never play in Cowtown ever again.

Author: greg Reply #3 Posted: Oct 22 2019 12:52AM

Another thing, I’d be ashamed of myself if I allowed Simon and Tim to lead me around the way they led you fools. Shame on you all.

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