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Topic: A post from Billy Pappas, RE France Cheating.

Author: The Next One. Original Message Posted: Jan 13 2010 9:39AM

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:58 pm Post subject: France caught cheating... idiots.


So this is how it happened! fun story.

So I go to watch Robs match... they are already at 1-1 in the third on Bonzo. Adel scores and as they were going to tornado... Adel looks at his coach and shakes his head like yes. So when they go to torando... the coach from France walks to the Bonzini and takes the ball out and puts a new one in lol. Keeps the other ball ON the table... you know cause they are kinda stupid. So they come back to the table and I yell to Rob that they changed the ball. There was 1 in each hole and one still left on the table lol. Rob asks me which ball and I say the one on the table that Adel is trying to put on the table. The ball on the table is the ball they were using. So Adel ends up grabbing all the balls and *bleep*ing with them. Then the ref calls me over and asks me which ball is it... and I was like the one that I said was in play lol... probably in play now. Rob ends up letting it go which is the worst thing he can do because it would have been a forfiet for sure. He ends up winning anyways but he could have easily lost.

So the UK end up losing. I talk to them about what happened and they asked if they should write to the ITSF what happened. I said ya I was going to talk to Farid about it but it would be better if you did it anyways. So I see Tom and I end up talking to him about it. When we are about to finish Fred walks by and says... you saw it huh lol... something like this.

Fred and Tom end up going to talk about it. Its worse than we thought. Fred and Boom boom from belguim saw that they had a bottle of magnesium. Its to make the balls sticky so its easy to pin/chip with. Harder to pull. So in everyway an advantage for them and a disadvantage for the english since they dont play pins. So they were putting this on inbetween games... even inbetween balls... lol. How can they not be disqualified? BTW fred said he saw it during the match told Dos Santos that... you know you can get disqualified for that right. Dos Santos answered ya but those balls are impossible to play with. They are to slippery.

The punishment they got?

So we thought the night before that Adel and Dos Santos was going to get disqualified because i think we only had evidence against them.

Instead Farid fines the French commitee ( himself ) 2,500 euros... that goes too.... ya himself lol. So nothing happened at all.

ITSF IS SO GREAT!!!! If it was the American team... you know for sure that we would have been happily disqualified and fined. I hope it comes crashing down on him... its such bullshit.

Anyways needless to say... they were gunnin for me because they knew it was me who caused this. Ummm ya there was no chance of me losing after this. I hate cheating... I was pretty pissed off during the whole match.

Great work guys!!!

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