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Topic: City Challenge - West Edmonton Mall

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Jan 31 2010 3:52PM

I have decided to add a cities challenge event to the West Edmonton Mall weekend!

This will play out similar to the World Cup - but only on one type of table.

I'm guessing only Calgary and Edmonton will have enough representatives to play, but if 8 players from all of Saskatchewan show up they can form a city team, same goes for BC.

Each city will pick a team of 8 players. Edmonton players must wear blue, and Calgary players must wear red. I guess Sask can wear green if enough players show up!

Anyway, each team fills out a sheet, which looks like this:
Singles Player 1:
Singles Player 2:
Singles Player 3:
Singles Player 4:
Doubles Team 1:
Doubles Team 2:
Doubles Team 3:
Doubles Team 4:
Overtime Team:

So you have 8 players, 4 play singles, all 8 play doubles, then two players that didn't play singles get picked to play overtime if the games are tied.

I'm not going to tell either city how to pick the team, that is just up to the players that show up. If for any reason each city cant agree then the highest ranked player from each city gets to pick the team. I'm not saying that is the best method, but i'll leave it up to each city to come up with a list.

There will be no entry fee into this event - and no payouts. There will (hopefully) be a trophy which the champion city can take home with them and bring to next years event. We will have this displaying on the big screen in the mall, and big posters above each city team saying "Team Edmonton" and "Team Calgary"... And other cities if they show up. We will have a big score board showing how many games each team has won and the scores of the game that is being played. We will play one game at a time so that we can see how it unfolds.

Hopefully we can get a bit of a crowd around and maybe this will look more attractive to random shoppers in the mall than just people playing foosball. I don't want to stricktly dress code this event either, but having a little bit of class would be beneficial.

Each game will be race to 7. Not best of 3. This way the games will flow fast.

Any suggestions or ideas on this? Any other thoughts?

Author: Aged Whine & Cheese Reply #1 Posted: Jan 31 2010 5:52PM

If you drop the team size to 4 players, all play singles, all play doubles (but only two games, not four), then you might be more likely to have teams from other cities/provinces.

Author: Will Reply #2 Posted: Jan 31 2010 6:17PM

Ya, that is true. It would end up misrepresenting total tallent in a city and instead just show which cities top players are best.

Either way it's a good point. If we can get 4 players from sask or bc I'll consider that.

We could still use 8 in the edm/cgy game, but decrease the amount when playing against teams with less players.

Author: The Next One. Reply #3 Posted: Jan 31 2010 7:12PM

If BC can get a team then it's obvious BC will take it no doubt. Bets?

Author: S. Edwards Reply #4 Posted: Jan 31 2010 7:50PM

Do you guys have eight people that can get along?

Author: Aged Whine & Cheese Reply #5 Posted: Jan 31 2010 8:45PM

In BC? Sure we do. As long as we have a no talking policy and a nobody goes within 2 feet of the other person policy. Then we get along fine. If we could play the game through a remote Waldo connection, then we would get along famously.

Author: ButHeDoesntLookAsian Reply #6 Posted: Jan 31 2010 8:53PM

Why not start with 2 BC players who get along. Not counting split personalities Tim. Think of it this way - BC puts the "FUN" into dysFUNctional!

My suggestion is team shirts. Say either CFL or NHL colors - red for Calgary, etc. Then easy for spectators to know when to boo the Calgary guys. I mean, how to root for their favorite players.

But, what about the friggin invitation to the Shanghai team? WTF???

It would be all hot beer girls plus me.

The only deal is:
- enough players from Canada would have to dump their current wives/girlfriends and give them half of everything,
- petition for a fiance visa for the beer girls,
- pay for all their travel expenses,
- get married to the girl after the competition and then when the cultural differences were too much after a year or so agree to divorce them and give them half of whatever is left.

Then the girls can send money back to their parents to buy them a gigantic karaoke machine and a big screen TV and the girls can stay in Canada on welfare and work under the table doing nails at an Asian nail place.

So, who is in?

I will take the photos and put up the matchmaking web site later this week...

Will, Des, you guys are first in line, yes?

Author: Aged Whine & Cheese Reply #7 Posted: Jan 31 2010 9:35PM

Now who is hijacking threads, Fredrock?

Author: ButHeDoesntLookAsian Reply #8 Posted: Jan 31 2010 11:00PM

To "He who never reads my posts but secretly lives for them" (aka Tim),

It is not so much hijacking as it is providing a bit of levity, some comic relief as it were. Plus the team shirts WAS a useful suggestion!

Perhaps this was just your way of asking to be first on the choice of beer girl fiances????

Well you have to get in line fella just like everyone else. Of course, I could be bought for a price. Maybe I need a second web site for that one. Hmmmmmnnnn, how does one embed paypal into a website anyway?

Just making friends wherever I go...

Author: Darcy Reply #9 Posted: Feb 1 2010 11:47AM

I think most of us require pictures of aforementioned girls here on the site before any decisions are made.

Author: PaulG Reply #10 Posted: Feb 3 2010 1:09AM

I'm working on getting a gang from Regina to come out to Edmonton again. We'll put in a team if we're able to.


Author: Aged Whine & Cheese Reply #11 Posted: Feb 3 2010 2:19AM

Paul, if you take Fred up on his offer, you only need four people (assuming all are male) and then you can use your four new wives to flesh out the team.

Oh, that was a poor choice of words. Too bad I can't change it now.

Author: Tom Rosenburg Reply #12 Posted: Feb 3 2010 2:24AM

I'm having a hard time understanding just what you goofballs are talking about!!

Author: tony Reply #13 Posted: Feb 3 2010 3:04AM

there must be something in the water in bc again.. or not enough sunshine days. must be the reason no tourneys in bc in last 10 years too...8 vs 8 for all your size..the difference being DEFENCE.

Author: Will Reply #14 Posted: Feb 4 2010 11:51PM

"If BC can get a team then it's obvious BC will take it no doubt. Bets?"

As the Tournament Director I probably shouldn't get into an argument about this... and certainly not any bets... but let me go on record saying I have doubts.

Author: Jake D Reply #15 Posted: Feb 4 2010 11:55PM

ok, i'm confused. if will is so tall why is he the leader of the foosers, and why hasnt gateway said anything about this?

Author: .Garry Reply #16 Posted: Feb 5 2010 12:00AM

"ok, i'm confused. if will is so tall why is he the leader of the foosers, and why hasnt gateway said anything about this?"

some of your posts are pretty obscure, but this one makes zero sense


Author: Jake D Reply #17 Posted: Feb 5 2010 12:48AM

you're right Garry. i officially retract my statement. i am humbled. and boded. and boardedly

Author: .Garry Reply #18 Posted: Feb 5 2010 6:44PM

lol...I think????

Author: The Next One. Reply #19 Posted: Feb 5 2010 6:55PM


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