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Topic: Bounty Hunt Added to Tuesday Nights!

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Jun 20 2011 5:46PM

We are adding a new concept/feature to our Tuesday Night Foosball! We stole the concept from the good folks off of the Northwest Foosball. After attending the last few major tournaments that they have run, we are becoming a part of that foosball community, and this is a spinoff of the idea that they use in their weekly format, we made a bunch of changes but the concept is still from them. Let me know if you like it!

Bounty Pot

If someone finishes in the money 10 weeks in a row (1st, 2nd or 3rd) then on the 11th week the bounty starts. The $25 Gateway Bucks come out of the prize pot that week to start the bounty. So starting on the 11th week anyone who wants to can pay $2 for a shot at the bounty. All the money bounty hunters pay added in with the $25 to the "Bounty pot". The way it is won is as follows:

The lowest ranked player that signs up for the bounty game shoots first, and takes one three bar shot at the outlaws net. If he/she scores, the bounty is won. If the outlaw makes a save, the second lowest ranked player shoots. This continues until either someone scores, or everyone has missed. If you sign up, but someone scores before you get to shoot, too bad. Think of it as betting on everyone before you not to score, and then you get the shot for it all. Players pay their bounty fee BEFORE the first shot.

If the Outlaw blocks EVERYONE, they win all the $2 fees that were put up against them, but the $25 carries over to the next week so that everyone is paying for a shot at $50 plus the new $2 bounty entries.

If the outlaw doesn't show up, then no bounty fees are collected that week, and the pot continues to the following week. The deal is, a potential outlaw only needs 10 consecutive top 3 finishes. If they come 10 times in 15 or 20 weeks or however long it takes that is fine, as long as they don’t finish 4th or worse.

Author: Will Reply #1 Posted: Jun 20 2011 5:48PM

Starting this Tuesday, Simon is up for the bounty hunt.

We'll do it before the tournament starts, pay your bounty hunt entry when you sign up for the tournament!

$50 Gateway bucks for this weeks bounty hunt!

I'm cheering for Simon to block everyone!

Author: S. Edwards Reply #2 Posted: Jun 20 2011 6:11PM

How about all the bounty hunters draw a number to see who shoots first. You might get more money in the pot that way

Author: Will Reply #3 Posted: Jun 20 2011 6:25PM

My thoughts were that the players at the top of the points list are already the players at the top of the $$ list also (with some exceptions).

Also the players at the top of the points list are the most likely players to score, thus ruining peoples chances.

I'm open to that idea though, as I think you might be right about it generating more $entries.

Any other thoughts on this?

Author: S. Edwards Reply #4 Posted: Jun 20 2011 6:28PM

I'm thinking the lowest ranking player that buys me a beer wins the bounty.

Author: Will Reply #5 Posted: Jun 20 2011 7:06PM

Start at the top and work your way down.

Will buys you a beer, then Christian buys you a beer, then Ben buys you a beer... The lower ranked guys wouldn't even have to buy you a beer because you would be so hammered they could score easily!

Author: S. Edwards Reply #6 Posted: Jun 20 2011 8:06PM

I think it's to easy to win the bounty this way. I like the way NW foos does it.

Author: Will Reply #7 Posted: Jun 20 2011 8:14PM

Yeah but then lower tiered players NEVER get a shot at the bounty under our 2 Tier format...

Author: Will Reply #8 Posted: Jun 20 2011 8:18PM

In the NW Format, if you eliminate the player that has the bounty, you win the bounty (if you pay the $ before the draw so you don't even know your partner).

Who would even pay the money, going into a tournament like this week for instance... or almost any week. How many people have ever beaten you Simon, never mind risking more money to play against you when most people don't even have a chance, or are not even playing in the same tournament as you?

We need to do something different, and I want it to be easy to win the bounty, that is the fun of it. You would still have a bounty on your head even if someone wins it also, it would just reset...

Author: Will Reply #9 Posted: Jun 20 2011 8:30PM

19 players have beaten you that play in our league more than once every 6 months... Counting players like Tom, Albert, etc

Players that live in Edmonton and have played at least 3 games against you and have a 50% record:
Christoff Djacovic!

Thats all. Need a partner this week Christoff?

Author: Will Reply #10 Posted: Jun 20 2011 8:36PM

Just kidding, i'm playing with Paul..

Also, I contributed to all 3 of Christoff's wins vs Simon. Twice I was Christoffs partner when we won, once I was Simon's partner and we lost. Simon has beaten Christof 3 times as well, but I wasn't involved in any of those games.

Author: S. Edwards Reply #11 Posted: Jun 20 2011 9:18PM

Ok give it a try. The chance of me blocking everyone is pretty slim (0%) so there is really no upside for the outlaw no matter who he is. How about the outlaw gets to shoot back?

Author: Will Reply #12 Posted: Jun 21 2011 12:08AM

Great idea.

Just to clarify, what you are suggesting is...
If the bounty hunter scores, the outlaw gets to shoot back. So to win the bounty you have to score, then make a block.

Author: S. Edwards Reply #13 Posted: Jun 21 2011 12:15AM

That's what I was thinking

Author: Will Reply #14 Posted: Jun 21 2011 12:18AM

Alright we'll try it out tomorrow. I want to make sure that the first 5-6 players have a chance at it.

Author: Bank Machine Reply #15 Posted: Jun 21 2011 8:38AM

I like the idea more that if we score on the outlaw we win. Pretty slim chances of scoring especially for the lower experienced players, but to have to then block a shot from a top player next to impossible for some. Maybe base it on points. Say cutoff is 900 points or so, and anyone that scores on the outlaw under that count would automatically win the bounty, players higher than this would then have to block a shot to retain the win. Maybe this would even the chances for everyone including the outlaw?

Author: Darcy Reply #16 Posted: Jun 21 2011 9:12AM

We could do a handicap for certain tiers.

Under 850 points means you get two shots at the outlaw and he doesn't get to shoot back. (you have to score once)

Under 950 points means you get two shots and the outlaw gets to shoot back once.

Anything over 950 means you get one shot and he gets one shot back.

Author: S. Edwards Reply #17 Posted: Jun 21 2011 10:11AM

What if the outlaw is old and weak and doesn't have the energy to try to block a bunch of shots.

Author: Darcy Reply #18 Posted: Jun 21 2011 10:31AM

Then I guess he's not going to make himself any bounties!

Author: Will Reply #19 Posted: Jun 21 2011 11:19AM

Good discussion. Keep ideas or comments coming...

Ray, the chances are slim... But you are risking two bucks to win about 50...

Author: Cam. Reply #20 Posted: Jun 21 2011 11:34AM

This sounds like fun! I also think I might just throw a couple games, get back down to 800 and practice my 3 bar non stop..

Author: Darcy Reply #21 Posted: Jun 21 2011 11:46AM

You should probably be practicing your 3 bar non-stop regardless.

Author: Cam. Reply #22 Posted: Jun 21 2011 11:59AM

You know I do! and I have also lost so many games lately that I dont think I will have to change antything for that plan to come true.
Except for tonight, Im gonna play good tonight!

Author: Darcy Reply #23 Posted: Jun 21 2011 12:09PM

hah, you should come over when Dan comes over. I'll show you how to beat Christian.

Author: Cam. Reply #24 Posted: Jun 21 2011 12:35PM

Im always down to play. More details and I'm there

Author: RezaREX Reply #25 Posted: Jun 21 2011 1:23PM

How can you beat the unbeatable?

Author: Will Reply #26 Posted: Jun 21 2011 1:36PM

He didn't say "lessons on how to beat will"

Author: RezaREX Reply #27 Posted: Jun 21 2011 1:38PM

You're right! He didn't say "lessons on how to finish 4th" BRING IT!!!

Author: Will Reply #28 Posted: Jun 21 2011 2:12PM

Author: Will Reply #29 Posted: Jun 21 2011 3:21PM

I hope your foos game is a little better than your trash talk Sweet Christian.

I can't hear you!

Author: RezaREX Reply #30 Posted: Jun 21 2011 4:14PM

You don't wanna light this fire boy!!! And thats Mr. Sweet Christian to you... or Mr. HTB. I don't even know why I'm showing up tonight when Mr. Sammy Wilkins could win this by himself with one hand tied behind his back...I'm just there for moral support and a few beverages. And to laugh at another non 1st place finish by the all flash no substance Mr. Stranks

Author: S. Edwards Reply #31 Posted: Jun 21 2011 4:24PM

Christian, You mean like the last 2400 Limited BYP? Ouch!!

Author: Will Reply #32 Posted: Jun 21 2011 4:56PM

The rest of that night was a lot of fun though

Author: S. Edwards Reply #33 Posted: Jun 22 2011 3:54PM

Nice win Sam and Christian!

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