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Topic: Official Bounty Hunter Rules

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Jun 21 2011 3:58PM

Bounty Pot

If someone finishes in the money 10 weeks in a row (1st, 2nd or 3rd) then on the 11th week the bounty starts. The $25 Gateway Bucks come out of the prize pot that week to start the bounty. So starting on the 11th week anyone who wants to can pay $2 for a shot at the bounty. All the money bounty hunters pay added in with the $25 to the "Bounty pot". The way it is won is as follows:

The lowest ranked player that signs up for the bounty game shoots first, and takes one three bar shot at the outlaws net. If he/she scores, the bounty is won. If the outlaw makes a save, the second lowest ranked player shoots. This continues until either someone scores, or everyone has missed. If you sign up, but someone scores before you get to shoot, too bad. Think of it as betting on everyone before you not to score, and then you get the shot for it all. Players pay their bounty fee BEFORE the first shot.

For every block the Outlaw makes, they win $1 from the $2 entry that person paid. So if 10 players sign up, and the Outlaw blocks everyone he wins $10. The remaining $10 and the $25 carries over to the next week so that everyone is paying for a shot at $50 plus the new $10 bounty entries.

If the outlaw makes 5 blocks, then the 6th person scores, the Outlaw made $5. The 6th person that scored wins the $2 from everyone that didn't shoot, and $1 from the 5 before him, as well as the Gateway Bucks.

If the outlaw doesn't show up, then no bounty fees are collected that week, and the pot continues to the following week. The deal is, a potential outlaw only needs 10 consecutive top 3 finishes. If they come 10 times in 15 or 20 weeks or however long it takes that is fine, as long as they don’t finish 4th or worse.

If the Outlaw blocks EVERYONE, the outlaw does not need to finish in the money for the pot to carry over, it gives the outlaw an exemption from being eliminated.

Author: Will Reply #1 Posted: Jun 21 2011 3:59PM

Starting tonight, Simon is up for the bounty. I'm going to sign up even though I get last shot at it, but still it will be pretty solid if I get a shot at $60 or $70 bucks.

Were putting in $50 Gateway, plus everyone that pays the $2 to sign up gets added in. Be ready for an OLD FASHIONED SHOOT OUT!

Author: S. Edwards Reply #2 Posted: Jun 21 2011 4:02PM

>>This continues until either someone scores, or everyone has missed<<

or the outlaw makes a save!

Author: Will Reply #3 Posted: Jun 21 2011 4:04PM

These rules give the Outlaw some incentive, and still make it worth signing up for the Bounty Hunters, especially the lower point players.

Author: S. Edwards Reply #4 Posted: Jun 22 2011 3:51PM

Way to go Garret on winning the first bounty. Nice shooting!

Author: perennial underdog Reply #5 Posted: Jun 22 2011 11:44PM

"outlaws,""Bounties,""shooting,"what the hell is going on up there!!??YOu guys are CRazy....AND I LIKE IT!!!!!

Author: Will Reply #6 Posted: Jun 23 2011 11:05AM

Garrett did have a great shot... You can see the practice paid off in that $70 shot!

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