Topic: Toronto Tournament

Author: PACKER Original Message Posted: Nov 6 2018 5:07PM

Hey, I know this is super last minute post, but thought I'd mention it anyways.

You're all invited to our tournament November 17-18 for Onatrio's ITSF World Championships Qualifier tournament being held downtown Toronto. This event will be a fundraiser to support Team Canada at the July, 2019 ITSF tournament held in Murcia, Spain. It's going to be super fun with some serious events where winners will earn an opportunity to represent Canada in Spain next year, along with some Ranked events that makes it more fair for everyone.

One of my favourite events is a Ranked Specialties event instead of Amateur Singles. Winner of the coin toss will decide between (i) Singles, (ii) Goalie Wars, (iii) Five-Bar Wars, or (iv) Forward Shootout, in races to 7 points.

Next time I'll make sure to post well in advance, and apologize for not giving more heads up.

Check out our website for more info at

Call/Txt/Email me if you have any questions


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